Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Piper is 5 months!

Height and Weight: 15 lbs 9oz and 27 in long!

New Things: Piper has learned to in happy, high-pitched, LOUD screaming...
She loves making the "mmmm" noise by sucking on her bottom lip and humming.
She can move around in her walker- not much, but enough to keep it interesting!
She got her first cold, virus, and ear infection- not good new things : (((
She notices when Neal comes home from work or comes into the room, and welcomes him with a big smile! Melts his heart!!

What she likes to do: Piper has been very cuddly this month. She loves being in her mama's arms. She has started burying her face in my chest when being spoken to at times, and is very much a mama's girl.

We have started using the walker again, after getting the go-ahead from the pediatrician. She loves that thing. Now that her legs are longer and stronger, she can actually move a little, and she thinks she is something else!

She was introduced to the "Johnny Jump-Up" bouncer that hangs in the door frame (score $5 yard sale find) and loves it. She doesn't jump very much, but loves to spin in it.

Piper loves to be moving. If you're holding her, and she's not feeling super-cuddly, she wants to be standing up in your lap. When she's in her car seat, she strains her little neck to sit up and look around. She is so curious and sassy! She is really loving her high chair now too!

Piper got her first experience with puppies! They loved her! Uncle Graham and (almost) Aunt Carrie took home one of the puppies and named it Bear. Piper got some "Bear" time while we puppy-sat for them, and thought he was so funny!

Clothes: We are solidly in 3 month clothing. No more newborn! I have packed it away! She finally outgrew her first pair of pink jellies. So sad. Except that her Pammy bought her a pair in both colors- blue AND pink- and I found a gold pair as well! That girl is good to go on jellies!!

Sleeping: Oh boy, sleeping. I had this amazing, angelic, 12-hour-a-night sleeping baby girl, and she has been replaced with, well, someone else... She still "sleeps" 10-12 hours a night, however she has been waking up starting around 2am, needing her pacifier put in or to be re-swaddled or changed, and then will continue to wake up every 15-30 min after until about 6am. It has been TOUGH.

I will say that that this has mainly been going on the last couple of weeks, and this poor baby has been hit with first- Hand, foot, and mouth disease (a very contagious little virus that truly makes them miserable- headache, fever, sore throat, etc.)and a double ear infection. Then, thanks to the amoxicillin, she has had some INSANE diapers (I will leave it at that..) and then a terrible yeast infection from the antibiotic as well. As we were working on all of that being cleared up, I got sick with a double ear infection (no, they're not contagious, but I am very prone to them and get them quite frequently) and what I can only assume is a summer cold, and have been battling it for about 5 days. So Piper seemed to be getting better, and then on Thursday, she started having a runny nose and congestion- and seemingly has what I have. There's a lot of terrible grammar in this paragraph, but that is just how crazy this whole sick thing has been.

Neal calls me and Piper "Elliott and E.T." because we truly seem to share whatever the other is going through. Bless her heart.

At least all of this happened within the last 2 weeks, and we were both able to get to the doctor and get the treatment/medicine we needed, because we are taking a family vacation to St. Simons next week!

Eating: She is still exclusively breastfed. I read somewhere that it's best to introduce them to all the grain cereals BEFORE they hit 6 months so that they can develop an immunity to any possible grain sensitivities, so I bought a little thing of rice cereal, and gave it a try a couple of mornings. One bowl ended up in Piper's lap, and she gagged on every bite of the other, despite it practically being liquid. Drama Queen.

I decided to hold off on solids- which was my initial plan- and we won't start until 6 months. Probably. I may try to give it another go once all this stomach stuff goes away and she's feeling 100%. This baby just loves to nurse, and I love it too. I don't want to give it up if I don't have to!!

On the agenda for 5 months: Our Reeves side of the family is going to St. Simons. Neal, Piper and I will go on Monday and join Pam and Al, who are already down there. Then, Uncle Bert and his girlfriend, Amy (whom we are all slightly in love with!) are coming down Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Everyone will be going home Sunday and Monday, and Piper and I will be spending a little island time by ourselves! I'm so excited! Then Pam and my mom are driving back down on Wednesday to have a girl's trip! Seriously- I'm so excited. Piper's first trip to SSI! We already have her bike seat and helmet : ))

1 comment:

Alli said...

Poor girl has had her fair share of sickness! I hope she starts feeling better soon!