Friday, August 9, 2013

Piper at 4 months!

Height and Weight: 26.5" long (90th percentile for height) and 14lbs (60th percentile)

New Things: She loves to sit in her Bumbo chair on the kitchen counter and watch me while I'm cooking or doing laundry.

*Disclaimer: I don't leave her unattended EVER. She
sits on the counter and I'm always RIGHT there. Yes-
this is something that has had to be addressed...
She has also been sitting in her walker and Exersaucer, but she can't move in them yet, and just plays with the toys that are in front of her. I actually just read in her 4 month paperwork from the pediatrician that they are not supposed to be in their walkers at this age- for those of you who have enthusiastic "standers" what do you use?!
Look at those adorable chicken legs!!

Piper has laughed! As in official, deep, belly laughs!
**I can't get videos to upload!! I'll try again later...**

The day after she laughed, she rolled from tummy to back!

**I have a video of this too, but it still won't work!!**

What she likes to do: She definitely doesn't want to "miss out" on anything, and would prefer to stand up in our laps or face out when being held. She especially likes getting to stand or sit on the dinner table, so she can be the center of attention! She loves holding things like spoons and toys!

Sitting in Alyssa's lap during our weekly hangout!

Clothes: Almost all newborn clothing has been put away. This girl is pretty much only in 3 month clothing! No tears were shed as I started pulling the too small clothes out of her closet- I'm thankful for a healthy, growing gal! She got 2 new outfits from a super-cute outlet store in Gatlinburg. The store is called Janie and Jack and has the cutest, vintage-esque clothes!

One of her Janie and Jack outfits (Yay Gatlinburg outlets!!)

Look at how cute she is- laying there
with those ankles crossed!
Sleeping: She has struggled with sleeping as she's gone through a growth spurt and has started to teethe. She still gets at least 10 hours a night, but has awoken periodically through the night. Fortunately, we seem to be getting back on track, and I'm starting to catch back up on my sleep. All in all, it was maybe 3 or 4 nights that were tough, but since I'm so used to 12 hours, they hit a little hard!
**Another dysfunctional video**

Eating: She is still exclusively breastfed 4 times a day. I don't plan to start solids with her until 6 months. I enjoy the time I have with her when she's nursing, and it's so easy for me, I simply am in no rush to end this sweet bonding time I have with her.

Four month photo session:
Neal took these in our front yard!

Even the most beautiful people have their "moments" 

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