Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So, as many of you know, I am quite the crafter. I am scatter-brained and unfocused most days- and that was pre-baby brain- and will start projects and never finish them. 

Many months ago, I started working on an iPad case. I bought one off Etsy, and got SO MANY compliments on it! I would direct them to the shop that I purchased it from, but apparently, I bought the only case she ever made, and then she closed down. The style was very simple, and part of what drew me to it was the "imperfect" approach the girl took when it came to sewing it- pockets were a little cocked to one side, her stitches were wild, and nothing was measured perfectly. I LOVED it. Since I am a self-taught seamstress (aka I literally trial and error anything and everything on my machine) I thought I'd take a shot at making my own iPad cases. 

I've been sitting at home feeling like a ticking time bomb, and absolutely needed something to take my mind off the fact that there is a 7lb projectile aimed head first, ready to eject any day from my body. Neal brought my sewing machine down the 2nd week of my now 9 week stint at home, and it has been sitting, ready for the project that I would come up with. Well, after 6 weeks, here is the fruit of my labors:
The iPad Cases

They are so much fun for me to make! I would say that they are easy, because mix-matching fabric is something I love to do. I'm also putting to good use some vintage embroidery pieces I've had laying around since we first got married. The middle one and far right one both feature super-cute embroidery that I fashioned into external pockets. I love the little imperfections of the cases as well. I tried to mimic the details of my own case that I loved so much. I'm going to be selling these puppies, and am debating on whether I should reopen my Etsy store. We shall see. Meanwhile, if you see one you like, let me know! I have no doubt that I will not be holding on to them for long! 

Pocket detail- love the flowers!

Aren't these happy colors?!

No pockets on this one, but there will be a detachable vintage jewelry embellishment!

This little case went "WEEEE WEEE WEEE!" All the way to your home!

Close-up of piggy detail on pocket!

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