Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the "fun" cereal.

i don't know if it was the same for you guys, but going over to my grandparents' house in alabama (mimi & papi) during my summer vacation was what got me through the school year! mimi and papi let us pull out the hideaway mattresses and line the hallway stairs with them and slide and tumble down them all day. i remember- they had this old couch that was hollow in the back- we would climb all in that dirty old thing and play for hours. we would wake up and if there weren't gravy biscuits from jack's, we knew we would be eating rainbow sherbet for breakfast! and don't let me forget the time papi let us climb on the roof....

well, this week, my littlest brother jacob (he's an awkward 13 years old!) is staying at our house. this is the first time he's visited his big sister and her new husband (whom he adores, might i add) by himself. while neal is still trying to learn how to handle jake- he is rather exhaustingly inquisitive...haha...i have had the joy (seriously!) of finding ways to entertain and make sure he enjoys his time here! (we're not eating sherbet for breakfast tho! more on that later...) we have walked around downtown athens, eaten waaaay too expensive ice cream (who knew ben & jerry's was so pricey!) and lived it up at the dollar tree. did i mention that was only on monday?! haha. anyways, i've had a great time hanging out with my not-so-little bro, and look forward to the rest of our adventures this week. on the to-do list: clean, paint, and reorganize our laundry room! he's very excited to help out. no really, he is!

one thing neal and i were not prepared for: jake's need to devour everything in the house. we had no idea how much a 13 year old kid could eat! we bought 2 boxes of cereal and he was done with them yesterday. that's 2 days, folks. so it's off to the store to buy more "fun" cereal that mom won't let him have. please note the little blue spacemen in the picture of the cereal we bought. it's space cereal with meteors, aliens, and yellow marshmallow stars.

it lasted 1 day.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm not going to lie. This cereal looked a little like colorful cat food at first:/