Thursday, March 6, 2014

Piper is 10 months!

Weight and Height: About 17.5 pounds and definitely a bit taller!

New Things: Piper loves to eat! She eats everything in sight!

She is such a little chatter box. Her vocabulary is really growing!

She loves to play. She has really matured- she can entertain herself for quite a while.
At library play group
What She Likes to Do: Piper loves to play with her basket of plastic fruits, veggies, and other food. It's so cute! It's pretty much the only thing she plays with at the moment!
Playing with the groceries

Clothes: She is solidly in 9 month clothes, and is still long and skinny! I've put away almost all 6 month clothing (tops were really the only things remaining)

Sleeping: My girl is sleeping so well! She has bumper her bedtime up to about 8:30-9 instead of 9:30-10, but we have all adjusted and she sleeps in until at least 8:30 in the morning. I love having such a great sleeper!

Eating: If we give it to her, she eats it. This girl loves anything! She hasn't turned anything away yet!
I think she looks like me!
Piper Jayne- you are one funny girl!

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