Monday, January 27, 2014

Piper is 9 months!

Snuggle Bunny
Height and Weight: 29 inches (95th percentile!) 17.4lbs (25th percentile)

New Things: This girl loves to wave! She waves "Hello" and "Bye-Bye." I am just waiting for the day she actually says Bye-Bye. She's come awfully close to saying "uh-oh," and I don't think it's just in my head...

Speaking of speaking...we have a little chatterbox on our hands. She says "Mama" and "Dada" alllll the time. When she wants to nurse, she says, "Mamamamamammamamamama" and my mom is 100% convinced that Piper says "Grandmama" (aka "MAMama")

Piper has gotten shy around new people. She's still friendly and loves to wave and smile at people, but now she'll bury her face in my chest and peek out at people who are talking to her. She's playing a little bit too ; )

We went to our first wedding as a family! I was in my friends' wedding (Congrats Alex and Stephanie Marshall!) and Piper was a HIT! She was SO well-behaved and loved it!
We're so fancy!
She crawls EVERYWHERE. Nothing is off-limits anymore. We have learned a LOT about how easily accessible lots of no-no things are...

She got a new little walker for Christmas from Pammy and Papa and she LOVES it!! It's definitely her new favorite toy, and she loves the little sounds it makes!

And last, but not least, Piper experienced her first Christmas and New Year's Day! She had 3 Christmases- 1 at each grandparents' house and then one at our house the morning of. She loved it!
No tears in Santa's lap!
What She Likes to Do: Stand, stand, stand! This girl likes to pull up on any and everything. She especially loves to "walk around" the coffee table.
Look at that face.
She loves to play in the Tupperware cabinet. I did this as a child too. There's just something about getting to pull out allll of the plastic containers and lids, and watching mama put them up over and over and over again.
She's almost figured out how to
drink out of a cup!
Clothes: She is still in 6 month tops, and the waist of 6 month pants fit, but our Piper is tall! She was in 9 month pants (simply for the length) when she was about 7 months! I'd rather tug them up all day than have her little ankles and calves exposed to the cold. She really hit the jackpot at Christmas- Aunt Ellen and Uncle Tim gave her some of the cutest clothes!!!

So stylish!
Sleeping: This girl has got 6 TEETH!! She cut 3 top teeth all at the same time, and I've got to say- I'm shocked that she and I are still alive. We had some TOUGH nights the last 2 months. I couldn't remember the last time she slept through the whole night. She was waking up at 2:30 and again at 6:30 wanting to nurse. Needless to say- I was miserably sleep-deprived...Looks like we might be catching a break though- all the teeth have cut, and she's gone back to sleeping all night for the last 3 nights! THANK GOODNESS!!!

So many teeth!
So early. No sleep. Why is she awake?!
Eating: Piper has quite the appetite! Baby girl loves everything she has tried (except broccoli & cheese baby food...) She loves being able to hold her food and feed herself! She has mastered the pincer grasp and can very effectively feed herself anything she's given. She likes steamed cauliflower, green beans, canned peas, Gerber Puffs, apple slices, and pretty much anything else she's given. She is slowly figuring out how to drink out of a non-bottle sippy cup. The one I've had the most luck with is an $8 one from Publix. I only purchased it because I had a great coupon, and lo and behold- she loved it. I just have to keep washing it over and over because it's the only one we have!

Our zoo trip on the coldest day ever!!
But, she absolutely LOVED it!
This picture cracks me up- look at that dirty face!
Enjoying a stop at the Varsity after the zoo!

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