Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Piper is 7 months!

Height and Weight: 16.8 pounds and 28 inches

Our visit to the Chickfila Dwarf House!

Making eyes at the camera before breakfast 
New Things: Piper has 2 little bottom teeth- they are so cute!
Look closely- do you see her teeth?
We got to introduce her to extended family on her first Thanksgiving! She's the only little girl!
Mommy's turkey!
Hanging out with the cousins!
She loves to move. She can definitely get where she wants to go, and crawling is so close to being mastered! For now, she just drags herself around.

Piper has said her first word- Mama!! My heart is so full. What was her second word? Dada! We are one set of proud parents.

Piper also experienced her first Halloween, and although I sort of dressed her up as a peacock, we really don't celebrate it much in our household, and I didn't even remember to take a picture. Oops!

We left her for 4 days with our parents! They shared Piper duty while Neal and our friends Tommy and Alyssa and I all went to Disney World! We'll take you one day, baby girl, I promise!
Ok, so this is Universal, not Disney..

What She Likes to Do: Piper likes to sit in the floor and play, play, play!
Sneaking out of her stroller at Gymboree.

She also LOVES to feed herself- she hasn't turned her nose up to any of the foods she has been given! Green beans are really her favorite because she can grab them so easily! There is nothing that I'm afraid to give her- except for obvious things like spicy foods!

She likes her doggies! She makes this high-pitched squeal every time she sees them- hopefully she'll be an animal lover like her mama!

Clothes: Little one is still in 3-6 month clothing, with the exception of sleepers. This girl is tall and skinny- like she's always been! She's in 9 month sleepers (mostly) because her toes curl up in the bottom of her 6mo ones! I am having a ball with all the cute clothes and headbands and hats that come at this time of year! You better believe she has adorable festive mama-made headbands!

Sleeping: She has been quite the stinker this last month. Oh my goodness. She's waking up and refusing to go back to sleep. To say that I am sleep-deprived is the understatement of the month. She's one tough little cookie. I have resorted to putting her in the guest bed with me on a couple of occasions when she was absolutely hysterical. She has been requiring a feeding in the middle of the night as well, and if she weren't ravenously eating, I would say that she just wanted to comfort of nursing. My milk supply really tanked this month, so I have a strong feeling that this is all somehow related.

Eating: As I mention above- she loves to feed herself! Honestly, she just loves to eat. She doesn't eat a ton, but each meal is fun for her. I'm trying to nurse her as much as possible, but on-demand nursing just really doesn't seem to happen at this age if it's not the morning or night feeding. She really only nurses once during the day, so I'm struggling to produce enough for her evening feeding. She loves to drink juice from her sippy cup, and rarely takes a bottle. She enjoys trying to figure out how to pick up little puffs and does really well with the Gerber snacks!

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